Are Manual Transmissions More Fuel Efficient?: An Exploratory Analysis Using Linear Models

Are Manual Transmissions More Fuel Efficient?: An Exploratory Analysis Using Linear Models

November 8, 2023


The following is my submission for the Regression Models course project under the John Hopkins University’s Data Science Specialization. The prompt for this project is as follows:

You work for Motor Trend, a magazine about the automobile industry. Looking at a data set of a collection of cars, they are interested in exploring the relationship between a set of variables and miles per gallon (MPG) (outcome). They are particularly interested in the following two questions:
  • “Is an automatic or manual transmission better for MPG?”
  • “Quantify the MPG difference between automatic and manual transmissions”

In this report, we find that there is some evidence to suggest that manual transmissions get better mileage than automatics within our limited dataset. Additionally, we found that a car having a manual transmission results in an increase of ~1.48 miles per gallon (all else equal) in our linear model. With that being said, a much more thorough analysis (with larger sample sizes) is necessary to truly conclude such results with confidence.


The ‘mtcars’ dataset (Motor Trend Car Road Tests) from the R ‘datasets’ library was used for this analysis.


Click the link below to view the full RPubs writeup/report for this project with all of the included code