An Analysis of the Most Destructive Weather Events in the United States

An Analysis of the Most Destructive Weather Events in the United States

Project type
RData AnalysisData TransformationData Wrangling


Weather events are often thought of as some of the most fickle, yet unavoidable realities of living on this earth. Weather can bring joy and prosperity to the world, but also tragedy and destruction. Having a greater understanding of which events contribute to the latter may prove to be beneficial when determining what to expect and how to properly anticipate the implications of such events. In this analysis, I analyzed data from the U.S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s storm database spanning from the years 1950 to 2011 in order to answer two main questions:

1. Which events are most harmful to population health? 2. Which types of events have the greatest economic consequences?

After transforming and aggregating the data into analyzable formats, I created two tables that helped to answer the questions at hand. Through my analysis, I found that: tornadoes, by far, account for the largest amounts of deaths and injuries to the US population, while flooding and hurricanes account for the highest amount of damages to property and crops. The rest of this document details the entire process of the analysis as well as the entirely of the code used.


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